Status of our services

General status: All services are functioning normally.
Last check: 2024-04-27T11:03:11Z
API requests processed today: 7339894, requests per second on average: 184.46

✅️ Web interface is ok
✅️ Application programming interface is ok
⚠️ Onion v3 interface may be a bit slow to respond
✅️ Bitcoin explorer is ok
✅️ Bitcoin Cash explorer is ok
✅️ Ethereum explorer is ok
✅️ Litecoin explorer is ok
✅️ Dogecoin explorer is ok
✅️ Dash explorer is ok
✅️ Ripple explorer is ok
✅️ Groestlcoin explorer is ok
⚠️ Bitcoin Testnet explorer may be lagging behind
✅️ Stellar explorer is ok
✅️ Monero explorer is ok
✅️ Cardano explorer is ok
✅️ Zcash explorer is ok
✅️ eCash explorer is ok
✅️ Polkadot explorer is ok
✅️ Kusama explorer is ok